Sun shines on Ladygrove Litter Pickers

On Saturday 4th May a group of volunteers gathered at the Ladygrove Pub to support a litter pick organised by Didcot Powerhouse Advisory Board Members Victoria Haval and Fiona Smart. Powerhouse wants to raise its profile locally and also give something back to a community that’s supported it since its launch in November 2021. The litter pick proved to be a great way to socialise and network, with a few seasoned pickers also in attendance.

The sun was shining and 12 bags of litter were collected from the Ladygrove Park area. A pizza meal for 2 was kindly provided by Marstons Brewery who manage The Ladygrove Pub and ‘Yarnsy’ AKA Rachel Crook was the lucky winner of the draw. Her colourful litter pick themed postbox topper dedicated to Didcot Powerhouse is currently on display on the The Broadway postbox.

There are 2 more litter picks taking place on the 11th May at The Didcot Wave and on 25th May at Boundary Park recreation centre - all start at 10am and finish at 12pm so volunteers can join in, whatever their age and all equipment is provided.


Didcot Town Magazine Coverage


Yarnsy’s Powerhouse themed street art